Zwift – Richmond VA

Zwift have released a new course to coincide with the UCI Road World Championships.


Their course designers have been out on the course mapping all the nooks, crannies and cobbles, every uphill climb and downhill rush and have come up with a corker.
For a fuller description as to how the course was built read the  blog by the awesome DC Rainmaker here
At 16km it’s significantly longer than the 9km Zwift Watopia Island course although probably not as pretty.


Richmond is more”street” – I half expect to see old newspaper blowing across the road at some points and there are a few under-passes where I wouldn’t want to get a puncture. Definitely a course to ride with Bruce’s “Racing in the Streets” or “Darkness at the Edge of Town” blasting in the headphones.
At the moment it’s taking me about 28 mins to complete which puts me about 1300th of 4400 – not too shabby but I can get better (I CAN).
I was getting some well-dodgy wattage statistics out of my Wahoo Kickr but a restart seems to have sorted that out.

A recent amendment saw a second sprint section and a second KOM section added to add even more spice to those Strava segment comparisons


My Fitbit tells me I burn about 700 cals an hour riding the course which is less than I burn when running or playing five a side – hard to believe as my legs are jelly and my lungs are burning when I hop (fall) off.

My current setup is not quite ideal – I’d love a big immersive screen for the course image but with Zwift on my laptop and Rugby on my iPad I can easily spend an “enjoyable” hour getting my ass kicked on the bike


This will have to do until I can persuade the grrrl that we need to rebuild the glasshouse as a purpose built man-cave. Tiny steps.

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