Pettigrew Bakeries

The lucky people of Victoria Park have a little gem on their hands with Pettigrew Bakeries. Located across the road from the park in what was formerly a pet and hardware shop, not only do they bake amazing bread, cakes and pastries but they also have a delightful home with a gorgeous Victorian frontage. 

Once inside you’ll be struck by the dazzling white tiled interior which stretches back for a country mile to where their prodigious bread-making brains conjure up all manner of goodies. 

Yesterday we popped in just to take a look and left with an uninteded cornucopia of goodies – sourdough bread, giant suasage rolls, olive oil drenched foccaccia, welsh-rarebit pasties, apricot frangipan tarts and last but definitely not least a perception-altering chocolate brownie (all future brownies will be measured against this one and will fall short). 

It’s worth a visit just to take a peek inside but I guarantee you’ll come away with something that’ll put a smile on your day.

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