Depot Winter Social


It’s dark, grim and persistently hammering down – it must be winter which means it must be time for the Depot’s Winter Social.


In dire need of cheering up we popped down there on Saturday evening to see what the £2 entry fee (free before 7:30pm) would get us


The place was pleasantly busy – enough to create an atmosphere but not so many that the food and drink queues were enormous. There was a great mix of people of all ages too.

The best thing about it was the chance to catch up with the Ffwrnes pizza boys


They drive their little pizza oven all over Wales in the back of Smokey-Pete the van delivering their superb wood-fired beauties to us undeserving rabble


Their pizzas are all made fresh with the best quality toppings on a sourdough base


These are my favorite pizzas bar none and at seven quid a pop they are excellent value too


Just look at those bad boys.

To finish off we decided to try the desserts from the folk at Science Cream


Their ice cream is made fresh to order and is quick frozen with liquid nitrogen giving an amazingly smooth and creamy texture


So good they even have the boy-wonder serving them.. Kapow Robin!


Our ice cream came sat on top of a creme-brulee.
My mouth is watering just remembering it. Delish.

All this accompanied by real ales and a real DJ playing a fab mix of retro and modern music.

If you’re stuck for something to do this weekend or you just have the winter-blues – get yourself down to the Depot Winter Social – I think you’ll love it