Gaz Coombes

We saw Gaz Coombes at The Gate last night , the second time we’d seen him and at the same venue. The first occasion was to promote his first solo album “Here Come The Bombs” and during that gig he treated us to a medley of Supergrass hits – thrown in to please the crowd.


This time around on the tour to promote the new album “Matador”, Gaz is obviously more confident in his newer material so there was no mention of his former band let alone any playing of past glories and the set was none the weaker for it.


Both Gaz’s albums are outstanding but the new work especially so. To me he’s one of the outstanding talents making music at the moment.Of his solo works I particularly love the monumental “Hurricane” off “Matador” but “Break the Silence” off “Bombs” runs it a close second. Coombes manages the tricky balancing act of combining intimate lyrics with huge vocals. If you haven’t caught his solo stuff yet or are avoiding it because of his previous form with Supergrass then you’re missing out on some great music.


I’ve only ever seen him in small venues (long may that continue) but I’m sure his songs would not be any the worst for sign arena venue. We’ll be at Green Man this year where Gaz is also playing  I wouldn’t miss his set there for the world.
Highly recommended.